You will not need to be concerned about moving or relocating to accommodate for your new lifestyle or growing family. Adding a first floor above your existing home is a faster and more cost-efficient solution to your current cramped living situation. Not convinced? See our before & after transformation on our previous client’s home below:

Spannenberg & Son are experts at extending and transforming the ground floor of your home. Perhaps you would like to have an outdoor deck for entertaining guests and visitors, or you need abedroom to accommodate for an extra additionin your family. Ground floor extensions are perfect to utilise unused land and make the most out of your current home.
As a client of Spannenberg & Son, you will be able to come to us with as little or as many design expectations you have for your new home. Guiding you along the entire journey, we ensure that the new build meets the budget and suggested time frame. Paperwork, red-taping, and council approvals are all handled by our trustworthy team. It is an incredible undertaking as an individual to design and build a new home, that is why we are here to take all the pressure and stress away. With the decades of experience we have collected over the years, we streamline the process, avoid pitfalls and common mistakes. Have the dream home you have always wanted with Spannenberg and Son.