If you are looking to add only 1 or 2 rooms or to expand your existing living room then a ground floor extension can often be the best approach. Matching your bricks and roofing materials with your existing home ensures that your extension will not look like an add on.
Having spent almost five decades perfecting the perfect extension, our expertise in design and execution means you will be amazed at how much difference just a few metres extra to your living area can make. With a focus on passive solar design, any addition or extension is also geared to reduce the operational costs of your home, creating a cleaner, greener home to live in.

By adding a ground floor extension in your home, you can enjoy:
Whatever your needs are, Spannenberg & Sons will work with you to achieve your dream home.

Most people enter the journey of a home renovation or extension without any previous experience or knowledge about how the building process works or what, if anything, they have to take care of. At Spannenberg & Sons, we are here to take the entirety of the project out of your hands so you can enjoy the journey and concentrate on what’s most important, you and your family.