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Can I live in my house while it is being renovated?



Often we can be adding a ground floor or first floor addition before we have even touched your living areas, so you could imagine you can live in that part of the home while works are underway.
Sometimes though, we are doing so much work to your living areas like removing ways and renovating kitchens and bathrooms that it becomes unliveable.

This is something to discuss with your builder as early as the design stage.

#spannenbergandson #since1971

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Showcasing a kitchen on one of our recent projects

One of my favourite aspects of adding a home addition is building a new kitchen, dining and lounge area incorporating an outdoor entertaining area, Knowing that this is where the family lives and can enjoy and get so much value out of the renovation.
Kitchen by ‘Above and beyond interiors’
#kitchendesign #kitchen #kitchenrenovation #homerenovation #homeextension #macarthurbuilder #northernbeachesbuilder

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Engage your builder at the design stage!


It is well worth engaging your builder as a consultant at the design stage.

Architects and designers come up with some great designs, but only your builder knows what it is going to cost.

Don’t rely on your architect or designers cost estimate, as all too often the design does not match the clients budget.

Don’t spend thousands of dollars on designs and Da approvals only to find the build is not what you wish to spend.

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First floor and ground floor addition
This project will have a colourbond roof, Weathertex cladding and rockcote render. Windows by Wideline. If you look carefully you will see Drew and Isaac up the scaffold installing cladding boards.
#spannenbergandson #since1971
#firstflooraddition #homeextension #renovation