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Is your builder or contractor registered for home warranty insurance?

Have they provided this certificate of insurance prior to signing the contract?

The law states that builders and contractors must be licensed for the work they are undertaking and provide a certificate of insurance for any job over $20000
and this is not just for builders but other contractors as well, whether it be carpenters, roofers or kitchen manufacturers, they must provide this certificate prior to contract signing, it is also illegal to break up the contract into smaller components to try and get the project under the $20000 threshold.

If you are an owner builder and you have engaged a contractor to carry out work on your home, that contractor must provide you with the insurance certificate.
You can very easily access information about whether a builder or contractor is licensed for the work they are doing through the ‘Fair trading’ website.
#spannenbergandson #since1971 

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Happy birthday!

Spannenberg and Son is celebrating 50 years in business this year!
Hans Spannenberg completed his first job a home extension in Rudd road Leumeah back in 1971.
Today Hans son Ben runs Spannenberg and Son
We know the unique challenges that come with extending and our tradies are experienced in this unique field.
With offices in Campbelltown and Avalon we cover Sydney from the south west to the northern beaches.
Make your next home extension a good one, make an enquiry today
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#birthday #50years 
#sydneybuilder #northernbeachesbuilder #macarthurbuilder #homeextension #homerenovation #builder #construction #contractor #building #homebuilder

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We are all back to work!

Here we are excavating and laying reinforcement steel for a new project.

From left to right Drew, Daniel and Nigel, phone ringing hot.

Looking forward to a busy year ahead.

If you are looking to extend or renovate your home, go to our website and make an enquiry today or click on this link

#spannenbergandson #since1971
#homeextension #homerenovation #homebuilder #builder #sydneybuilder #macarthurbuilder #northernbeachesbuilder

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Far more than replacing old with the new, renovations should be handled by professionals within their area of expertise to ensure it lasts beautifully. We handle kitchen renovations, bathroom renovations and wall removal renovations. This also includes the flooring, window/ door replacements, decking and structural modifications. All of which is managed entirely by our qualified project managers. The result is thoughtful, finessed and a well design renovation.

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First floor addition project

Our current first floor addition project revealed now that the scaffold has been removed.

It can sometimes feel like the curtains have been drawn when the scaffold comes down