Ground Floor Extensions are often the best approach when needing 1 or 2 more rooms or expanding your current living rooms. Spannenberg & Son can help! Here are some examples of our previous work! #spannenbergandson #spannenberg #homeextension #groundfloor #since1971 #homeadditions #homerenovation #sydney #southwestsydney #uniquehomes #home #sydneyhomes
Concrete footings
#Concrete footings done for our latest #homeextension at Eaglevale despite the rain.
#spannenbergandson #since1971
Your #home #extension specialist.
Spannenberg and Son have moved !
We have taken over this #factory on the cnr of #Campbelltown and Badgally Rds Campbelltown , the factory was built in 1971 and naturally we are doing some #renovations . Lick of paint, office space, signage and a new garden. We are looking forward to the finished results.
#spannenbergandson #Since1971
Looks a little different now
The scaffold has just come down on our #wattlegrove job.
#spannenbergandson #Since 1971
Your #homeextension specialist
Looking to extend your home ?
Give us a call or click here Http:// to get our Ebrochure or for Instagram users visit the link on our profile here @spannenbergandson
First Floor addition going up at Tahmoor
Watch our latest first floor addition going up at Tahmoor
#firstflooraddition #homeextension #secondflooraddition #builder
#Spannenberg&Son #since1971