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No not deep fried potatoes, but our Aussie slang for #carpenters, this is Daniel and Matthew at #work. We showed you a photo of this #homeextension at Raby 2 weeks ago, at that stage it was a hole in the ground. We are adding to this home a master bedroom with walk in wardrobe and ensuite a new laundry, living room and verandah.

Looking to extend you home? click here Http:// to get our Ebrochure or for Instagram users visit the link on our profile here @spannenbergandson

Categories News

Interior design

Careful thought of your interior design is so important, don’t treat it as an afterthought.
Spannenberg and Son are pleased to be working with Melanie Redman design on a number of projects. Melanie does son great work, check out some of Melanie’s work on her Instagram posts.
#interiordesign #homedesignideas #homerenovation #homeextension
#homebuildersydney #spannenbergandson #since1971