Categories News

Add value to your home with a home extension that blends seamlessly.

Add value to your home with a home extension that blends seamlessly.

This home extension we built in Ingleburn included a master bedroom and ensuite. The roof has been married in, bricks and tiles matched, you cannot tell it has been added onto.

I sometimes have requests for a flat roof and clad walls all to save a few thousand, they forget that a good extension will add value and a poor one otherwise.

#spannenbergandson #since1971
#homeextension #groundflooraddition #sydneybuilder #homeadditions #homerenovations #additionspecialist #sydneyhomes #homedesign #renovation #renovatinghomes

Categories News

You need the very best advice, open and honest communication and a quality builder you can trust.

You need the very best advice, open and honest communication and a quality builder you can trust.

We listen, take the time to understand your requirements and deliver a quality service.

We can visit your site and provide advice and evaluation, a concept design and evaluation or we can price your job with plans you have already had drawn up.

#spannenbergandson #since1971
#homeextension #renovation #firstflooraddition #secondflooraddition #buildercampbelltown

Categories News

3 week show

That is how long it has taken to get to this stage.
Our carpenters will be close to completing the cladding today, electrical and plumbing is already roughed in, gyprock is already delivered upstairs ready for install.
The house is almost doubled in size, wait till you see the front facade and how great the place will look.

#spannenbergandson #since1971
#homeextension #firstflooraddition #secondstorey #secondstoreyaddition #homeadditions #homerenovations