☝The first has the gold standard experience👍
They move into their newly renovated home smiling broadly and wondering why so many people complain about the process.
✅The builder had completed the task with their sterling reputation intact
✅The owner has walked away feeling fulfilled and positive, with no hesitation in taking on another project in the future.
.🏚 🏘.
✌The second client has the all too common, pollar opposite journey. The project almost ruined their faith in man kind with a builder who was .
❎non communicative, resentful of suggestions
❎ all too eager to cut costs
❎raise their margins and move on regardless of their clients’s opinion
They are two very different experiences from the same process and whether you enjoy the first and avoid the second starts here, because whether your build experience is a dream or a nightmare is also down to you👇
#renovations #extensions #upgrade #builder #sydney #southwestsydney #home #spannenbergandson #qualitybuilders #bestpractice #domestic
Apprentice Carpenters
A photo sent from one of our apprentice carpenters ‘Will’ showing the ridge beam up, rafters and bracing being installed.
#homebuilder #homeextension #homerenovation #homeadditions #firstflooraddition #homedesign #sydneybuilder #yourhomeextension #spannenbergandson #since1971
Site fencing
Site fencing and scaffold delivery in preparation for our new project at Wattle Grove.
#spannenbergandson #since1971 #firstflooraddition #homerenovation #homeextensions #renovate
Home renovation at Milperra
Recent home renovation at Milperra.
New kitchen, laundry and much more.
#spannenbergandson #since1971 #homerenovation #homeextensions #renovate #renovation
Are you looking to extend or renovate your home?
Do you live in the Northern Beaches?
Spannenberg and Son is in the process of establish a Northern Beaches branch, kicking off projects in the new year, 2020.
It will be ‘Spannenberg and Son Northern Beaches and Macarthur’.
Ben Spannenberg will personally project manage these Northern Beaches projects till we are well established.
Having such a great team is what has enabled us to do this. The Northern Beaches can now have it as good as Macarthur.
Look out for our new website and updated social media coming soon!
#spannenbergandson #since1971
#homerenovation #homebuilder #sydneybuilder #homedesign #homeextension #firstflooraddition #trades #proffesional #macarthur #northernbeaches