Categories News

Design options for you first floor addition

Some times we may completely change the front facade of your home when adding a first floor addition, in this case we were able to enhance or work upon the existing house design like renewing the existing gables and adding another gable to the top level to bring the design together. You can see more photos and read all about this project in the latest edition of ‘Sydney home design and living magazine’

#spannenbergandson #since1971 #homeextension #homedesign #sydneybuilder #firstflooraddition #homerenovation #northernbeacheslocal

Categories News

Stair Void

Use of space options around the stairs may include closing the stairs in and maximise storage and floor area or like this recent first floor addition project we built an open void to create a dramatic entrance to fill the space with light.

#spannenbergandson #since1971
#stairs #firstflooraddition #homedesign #design #homebuilder #sydneybuilder #northernbeacheslocal #homeextension #secondstoryaddition

Categories News

Planning the location of stairs in a first floor addition

When designing a first floor addition I prefer to locate the stairs not to far from the front door like seen here, I often position them in the 2nd bedroom towards the front of the house.

#spannenbergandson #since1971
#homeextension #firstflooraddition #sydneybuilder #homerenovation #homedesign #home #stairs #northernbeacheslocal #secondstorey #addition #renovation #interiordesign

Categories News

Our recent projects

See one of our recent projects, out now in the 10th issue of Sydney Home Design + Living .
Ben also had the privilege of contributing to the editorial content, check it out today 
@homedesignandliving !
#spannenbergandson #since1971 #homedesign #living #sydneybuilder #homeextension #renovation #homerenovation #northernbeacheslocal #builder #renovation #firstflooraddition #design #northernbeachesbuilder

Categories News

Narellan Vale

This is a major renovation at Narellan Vale, just reached the 12 week mark, painters are working inside and laundry being tiled. Will we get it done by Christmas? You will have to wait and see.

First floor addition, new windows, even laundry and powder room downstairs. From 1990 heritage revival to the latest contemporary.

#homeextension #homerenovation #sydneybuilder #renovation #builder #firstfloor #firstflooraddition #spannenbergandson #since1971