Categories News

Menangle Project

Cladding boards on the wall to this outdoor entertaining area on our recent Menangle project add such a great feel.

I won’t list all the benefits of cladding here, but one often overlooked benefit is that in 20 years time when a repaint is required you can paint it in the latest trends or what ever feel or look you are into.

This cladding product is #weathertex
It is our preferred cladding product. Renewable and environmentally friendly product, tough and long lasting, easy to install and comes in so many great profiles to suit whatever look you are after.

#spannenbergandson #since1971
#sydneybuilder #cladding #decking #alfresco #verandah #deck #entertainingathome #northernbeacheslocal #trends #building #designideas #homerenovationideas #homerenovation #homeaddition #homeextension

Categories News

Architects and designers

Architects and designers are amazing at conceptually realising your dreams and the vision you have for your home 👌…⠀

But once the blueprint is laid out, do you have any knowledge of the costs to make it happen 🤔?⠀

Your builder is the only one who knows how much it’s going to actually cost to bring the vision off the design board and into reality. ⠀

Make sure to involve your builder early in the game…⠀

After all, achieving all of this ON BUDGET, can make or break your experience. ⠀

Categories News

Do you love where you live but your house is old?

See this home transformed.
We have just started this project which includes ground and first floor additions, new roof, windows and render. Watch us transform this home. Spannenberg and Son are the trusted builder to deliver a quality build in good time, we have the experience, the team, the trades, the systems and processes to deliver like few builders can. Go to our website and see our reviews and other projects. Remember we now also service the Northern beaches and surrounds.
#spannenbergandson #since1971 #sydneyconstruction #buildingsydney #homerenovation #houserenovation #renovations #northernbeaches #northernbeacheslocal #northshore #renovationproject #remodeling #sydneyrenovation #architecture #lovewhereyoulive #homeimprovement