Categories News

Before and After

Shown is here a recent renovation including a first floor addition at Narellan Vale.
Products on the outside include Rockcote render and weathertex cladding with a colourbond roof.

If you would like to add space and make your home like new, contact
Spannenberg and Son and we can provide you with a full design and fixed price tender.

#spannenbergandson #since1971
#homerenovation #homeaddition #firstflooraddition #macarthurbuilder #northernbeachesbuilder #colourbond #weathertex #rockcote

Categories News

Isaac Murray

Isaac Murray

Isaac is one of our carpenters, Isaac has a broad skill set and range of onsite responsibilities.

A few interesting facts about Isaac-

-Exp – carpenter for 4 years
-Favourite sport- Cricket
-Favourite food -spaghetti
-Best part about working for Spannenberg and Son-
Isaac loves the variety of work and learning new skills

#spannenbergandson #since1971 #builder #macarthurbuilder #northernbeachesbuilder #carpenter #cricket #spaghetti

Categories News

Builders License Number 8195


It is important to check that contractors working on your home are licensed and for the type of work that is being undertaken.
A good place to check is Fair trading NSW, they have an online tool to check if a tradesperson or contractor is licensed and their licence history.

Spannenberg and Son hold a full builders licence, our number is 8195.

#spannenbergandson #since1971
#builder #sydneybuilder #buildersydney #northernbeachesbuilder #macarthurbuilder