Categories News

Absolutely love this!


Ben working on a concept design for a first floor addition at Dee Why.

Love making an old home look amazing. We will make this tired old home look brand new and add some beautiful balconies with great views of the ocean.

#spannenbergandson #since1971

#northernbeaches #deewhy #northernbeachesbuilder #northernbeachesdesignandconstruct #northernbeachesdesigner #design #firstflooraddition #secondstoryaddition #homeextension #sydneybuilder

Categories News

Design and Construct home extension and renovation


Before and after photos of our Lyndhurst project.

The brief given to us was to design and construct a first floor addition to include bedrooms and bathrooms, other works include back alfresco, kitchen, laundry and bathroom renovations.

And we delivered!

All in a 6 month timeframe. This job is comparable to a knock down rebuild, but was delivered in a third of the time and at a lower price.

If your looking for a design and construct builder who can transform your home on time and in budget delivering quality and service, call Spannenberg and Son today.

Categories News

Bi-folding or stacking sliding door?


Bf doors do look great and can really bring the outdoors in but I do often highlight a few issues with these doors and encourage clients in the majority of cases to go a stacking sliding door. A stacker costs about a third of the price, is less maintenance and can much more easily be fly screened. Also think that General day to day use, will involve opening and closing 1 panel and then on special occasions you are likely to open the whole door up.

#spannenbergandson #since1971
#homerenovations #homeextensions #windows #doors #mosquitos #northernbeachesbuilder #macarthurbuilder

Categories News

Stair Detail

Showcasing here some stair design options

These stairs have hardwood treads and hand rail and painted treads, risers and stringers.

#spannenbergandson #since1971
#stairs #homerenovation #homerenovationideas #homedesign #homeadditions #firstflooraddition #timber #hardwood #builder #sydneybuilder #northernbeacheslocal #northernbeachesbuilder #macarthurbuilder #homesdesignideas