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Kitchen renovations

While you are locked down in your homes you may like to think about a kitchen renovation, we completed this home renovation with kitchen by ‘Above and beyond interiors’ in 2020.

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What Is A Design And Build Company?

Are you considering building a home, a home extension, or a renovation project? You can take the traditional route and have a designer draw up plans before taking them to a building company, or another option is to see a design and build company, which can do both under the same roof.

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A recent First Floor Addition and what the client had to say

“From start to finish our experience with Spannenberg was nothing short of amazing. The planning stage was a breeze with Ben helping us meet our needs and desires and was flexible with making any changes we requested to fit within our budget and get the design we were after. The build team, Nigel, Dan, Drew and apprentice Lukas were fantastic and friendly, going through a build while still living there and with a newborn, they made things as least disruptive as possible and it surprisingly was not a burden at all. Every stage went quickly and if there was any problems they didn’t miss a beat to get on top of it. The choice of doing a first floor addition was the best decision as it was affordable and we got to keep all the things we love about where we live, without the hassle and added expenses of moving elsewhere. A great experience and great outcome. Thank you” Emma.

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