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Converting to one large garage door from 2. This is a not…

Converting to one large garage door from 2.

This is a not uncommon renovation for Spannenberg and Son to do, not only does it modernise the front facade of your home but adds significant ease with regard to moving your car in and out without having to navigate that middle column, not only do the new garage doors look great but they are also very quiet. If you would like this renovation for your home, give Spannenberg and Son a call today!

#spannenbergandson #since1971 #yourhomeextension #renovation #facade #door #garagedoor #frontfacade #firstflooraddition #homerenovation #homerenovationideas #homeextension #homeaddition #homedesign #homedesignideas #northernbeachesbuilder #northshorebuilder #macarthurbuilder

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Categories News

Don’t risk engaging a builder who is inexperienced! Ask your…

Don’t risk engaging a builder who is inexperienced!

Ask your builder what experience he has? Check with some of his previous clients or online reviews, do a builders licence check, you can even see online how many projects they have completed.

Ben Spannenberg is a second generation builder and oversees our team of qualified, professional project managers who are at the top of the home renovation industry.

Spannenberg and Son has been extending and renovating homes since 1971 and we employ an experienced team of qualified professionals to manage your project, to be your point of contact on a daily basis and to organise trades, control the cost and ensure the quality of work that goes into your home renovation.

How many times do you hear of trades not turning up and the client ending up running the job?

Many builders might say that they have the experience and might say they have built hundreds of home renovations but have they? Spannenberg and Son has!
Don’t take our word for it, there is so much information available online that you can check.

It is not uncommon to hear of home renovation horror stories or unsatisfied clients, often when home owners go for a cheap quote or have engaged a builder with little experience and particularly with regard to home renovating.

Don’t risk your home renovation with a builder who does not employ quality staff, supervise the work properly or have the experience to manage often complicated projects.

Yes the cost of quality staff is passed onto you the client, but for most people their home is their biggest investment, so don’t risk it.

#spannenbergandson #since1971
#homebuilder #renovator #homeaddition #homeextension
#builder #sydneybuilder #northernbeachesbuilders #macarthurbuilder #northshorebuilder #renovate #homerenovationideas #firstflooraddition #secondstoreyaddition

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Categories News

Removing some scaffolding is very revealing. This is a progress…

Removing some scaffolding is very revealing.
This is a progress photo of the rear of our first floor addition project at Bilgola. We don’t just show photos of the finished product but show you jobs as they progress so you can see the process.
#spannenbergandson #since1971 #secondflooraddition #firstfloor #cladding #addition #homeextension #homeaddition #homerenovation #homerenovationideas #builder #sydneybuilder #northernbeachesbuilder #northshorebuilder #macarthurbuilder

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Categories News

Recent home extension and renovation transformation –

this tired old kitchen and living area has been transformed to a beautiful open plan living with alfresco.

Kitchen by Above and Beyond interiors.

Seen here is the before and after floor plan and photo of the kitchen before the renovation.

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Categories News

ArchiPro Spannenberg and Son is listed on @archipro_au This…


Spannenberg and Son is listed on @archipro_au

This is the new upcoming design and building platform that will be very prominent in the home design and building market

If your looking at home building and renovating this will be the platform to go, whether it be to find design ideas, building products, builders, designers and much more.

Check Archipro out today.

#spannenbergandson #since1971

#renovating #homedesign #homeextensions #homerenovation #homeadditions #groundflooraddition #firstflooraddition #homedesignideas #builder #renovator #sydneybuilder #macarthurbuilder #northernbeachesbuilder #northshorebuilder

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