Categories News

Snap shot of renovations happening in your area

Spannenberg and Son are home renovation specialists and can help you with all your renovation needs, we offer a large variety of services, and we cover a large area of Sydney from our 3 offices in Campbelltown, Mona vale and Killara

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Categories News

‘Prime Cost’

What does it mean when a builders quote or contract says ‘Prime cost item’ or ‘PC’ ?

These may also be described as inclusions.

At the initial contract or quotation stage not every fitting or fixture will be known, these may be doors, toilets, vanities, floor tiles and the like, items we know we need but as they have not been selected, these items still need to be included in the contract sum.

So what does all this add up to? Let’s say the Prime Cost of an item in the Inclusions Schedule is $1000. If, when you, the customer have chosen the actual item you want, it turns out that the cost of buying and installing that item is $1000, that’s what you’ll pay.

If buying and installing the model you choose costs $800, the sum invoiced will be $200 less than the quote. If it costs $1200, you’ll be invoiced $200 more than the quote. That’s how Prime Costs work

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Categories News

Employee profileThis is Luke our 1st year apprentice.Favourite food – chicken lasagnaFavourite…

Employee profile

This is Luke our 1st year apprentice.

Favourite food – chicken lasagna
Favourite sport – rugby league
Best thing about working for Spannenberg and Son – the teamwork everyone shows

Luke is punctual & polite. He is eager to learn, be involved & demonstrates a great work ethic. He is a real asset to the Spannenberg & Son team.

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Categories News

The benefits of a stacking sliding door

-Bring the outside in

-Large opening for entertaining

-The glass Panels stack neatly out of the way

-You can fly screen the opening with stacking sliding fly doors

-Cost effective

-Minimal maintenance

#spannenbergandson #since1971 #builder #renovator #homerenovationideas

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Our new Mona vale office

We have a great new space for our Northern beaches staff to use, located 1727 Pittwater Rd Mona vale, can’t miss it!

#spannenbergandson #since1971 #builder #northernbeaches #northernbeachesbuilder #homebuilder #homerenovator #homeextension #homeaddition

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