-Extra bedrooms
-More bathrooms
-Extra living rooms
-Add a view
-Improve the look of your home
-Multi generational living
-Add Value
-Extra bedrooms
-More bathrooms
-Extra living rooms
-Add a view
-Improve the look of your home
-Multi generational living
-Add Value
We pride ourselves on Genuine Service & Quality Workmanship.
Contact us today to discuss your renovation project
0450 455 459
Are you seeking a low ball price from a builder?
Did you know not all Builders are the same?
Look deeper than some glossy photos and a presentable and well and intentioned personality- as that shine may soon wane. Let’s provide you some information to help you choose the right builder
A poor builder looks like this –
So what does a good builder look like, who can I trust?
We can go on but we are highlighting how much goes on behind the scenes, the things you may not see or have thought about and what is required to run a successful building business the things that need to be in place to provide quality and service.
So going back to our first question – do expect the quality experienced builder to cost more, these costs do need to be passed onto the client, choose your builder based on the right qualities and not a cheaper price.
First it may depend on which stage your build is up to? – If your foundations have just been dug it can add many days to the build time, the site may have to dry out before work can resume and there maybe a big clean up.
If you have a ‘Fixed price contract’ these extra costs will be worn by the builder
of course if you have a ‘Cost plus contract’ the builder will pass all these costs onto the client.
Maybe you are at frame stage? likely the trades will be going home, don’t want to get the tools wet and the site could be boggy, although often and under some circumstances on a Spannenberg and Son build we would have thought ahead and provided some under cover area with tarpaulins or the like to a least get some work done, at a less productive pace.
Often the roof may be on, even then we have delays as we cannot get deliveries, no Gyprock or fixout deliveries in the rain.
Reality is – your build is going to be delayed, and your project or site manager is going to issue a notification of wet weather delay which will extend the contractual timeframe for the build.
Showcasing some of the work we have done, this home extension we completed located in Hornsby heights has a lovely new verandah on the rear with stacking sliding doors.
You can look right through to the windows on the front of the home, huge open spaces and plenty of light.